

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Cross Talking About Crosswalking.

Pedestrian crosswalks may not be the most crucial problem capitalism has ever thrown up at us, but nevertheless it's still a matter of life and death, especially since 34 pedestrian's have been knocked down and killed on Toronto streets in 2019.

 In September a 17 year old was killed at an intersection where Councillor, Paul Ainslie has been asking for a crosswalk since 2014. Only 22 crosswalks have been put in during the last 5 years, but 700 have been requested. For once the good folks at city hall are not pleading lack of money, but the amount of time it takes to process the matter. First a request is made, then a survey is done on how many cross that intersection, and if approval is given, it takes an average of 9 months before shovels are in the ground, though we are not told why. Mayor, John Tory, said he was very concerned, but cautioned drivers to drive slower. 

Yet they still insist capitalism is the best of all worlds.

for Socialism 
 SPC Members

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