

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Knowledge is power

The Socialist Party believes that society as a whole ought to own and control  the means of production and distribution, that all things that are jointly needed and used ought to be jointly owned—that which is the basis of our social life, instead of being the private property of a few and operated for their enrichment, should be be the common property of all, democratically administered in the interest of all. The Socialist Party opposes a social order in which it is possible for one person who does not need to do anything useful can possess a fortune of hundreds of millions of dollars, while hundreds of millions of men and women who toil all the days of their lives can barely secure enough for a wretched existence. We must reorganise society upon a mutual and cooperative basis and to this end the World Socialist Movement have organised politically, regardless of nationality, race, colour, or gender. They are all making common cause, spreading with tireless energy the propaganda for a new society. We are still in a minority. But we have learned how to be patient and to bide our time. We know that the time is coming, in spite of all opposition, all persecution, when the case for emancipation will spread among all the peoples, and our minority will become the majority. We shall have the socialist commonwealth—the harmonious cooperation of all peoples on Earth. It will be the dawn of better days for humanity. People are awakening. In due time must come. Let the people everywhere take hope. The night is passing, and morning is arriving. The struggle must be won, for peace and prosperity will only come when they come hand in hand with freedom. We are all one—all workers of all lands. Solidarity will vanquish slavery.

Capitalist rule is based upon working class fools. Ignorance gives the capitalist the title deed to his property and possessions and ownership of his wage-slaves. Treason to despotism is loyalty to freedom. The capitalist class buys the law. Every  politician and exploiter extols “law and order.” That is their chief stock in trade. Let no media lackey say that we favour violence and bloodshed. It is false and malicious. We are not opposed to law and order. We are opposed to the shams and hypocrisies; the frauds and crimes that resist exposure as an attack upon “law and order.” The capitalist power rules by corruption. Where that fails it employs persecution. “Law and order” based upon industrial robbery and social crime have an insecure foundation and all the armed forces of the world cannot prevent such a foul fabric from going down.

The working class is ceasing to blindly follow the political tools of its exploiting masters. Chattel slavery and serfdom has disappeared. Wage-slavery has yet to be conquered. The struggle has already begun. There can be no compromise and no retreat. Workers have submitted to this exploitation long and patiently, but the limit has about been reached. Why should they have to deliver up to others the wealth they produce? Why not themselves enjoy the fruit of their own labour? These are the questions being asked. The wage system has only slavery for the working class. It has served its time and purpose and must soon be abolished. The workers do not need masters; they can and must be their own. To abolish wage-slavery requires the organisation of the working class, both economic and political. The working class must have a political party of its own and that this party, to be true to its historic mission, must demand the overthrow of the capitalist system that the cooperative commonwealth may be established and industrial freedom proclaimed.

The Socialist Party has already taken its place as the party of the working class. It is based upon the class struggle and demands the unconditional abolition of the capitalist system. 

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