

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Student Debt

The student loan debt burden in Scotland has more than doubled over the past decade to hit £5.5bn, with those from the poorest backgrounds borrowing more to get by.
Total student loan debt has increased from £2.4bn in 2010-11 to £5.5bn at the end of 2018-19, according to a report by the nation's public spending watchdog.
Audit Scotland said the amount of money being given out in loans had also nearly tripled over around the same time frame, rising from £187m in 2008-9 to £533m now.
 Its report added that students from the most deprived areas typically borrowed more than their richer peers, although this is partly explained by the fact that they are entitled to higher loans.
Under the current system, Scottish students receive free university tuition if they stay in the country to study, but can borrow money towards their living expenses.
The average loan in 2008-9 was only £2,420 but by 2018-19 it had reached £5,300, with students from the poorest areas claiming an average of £840 more than those from the richest.
The National Union of Students (NUS) said the level of debt was at an “unacceptable” level. NUS Scotland president Liam McCabe said the report made “stark reading” and showed that student debt “continues to sky-rocket”.

“It is Scotland’s poorest students that are carrying most of this burden, at an unacceptable average of £23,200 [over a four-year degree] in student loans,” he added. “Whilst free tuition helps mitigate Scottish student debt levels, this cannot be used as an excuse for continued levels of increased student debt.”
Audit Scotland said a total of 505,800 students still had loans to repay as of April last year, out of 654,000 who were provided with funding.
It added that £7m of debt was written off in 2018-19, which happens when a person becomes permanently unable to work or exceeds the time limit for paying the money back.

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