

Saturday, January 11, 2020

The banner to muster under is the socialist one

Tens of thousands of Scottish independence supporters are due to march through Glasgow in the first of a series of protests over the coming year. Glasgow City Council has estimated that about 100,000 people will take part.
The All Under One Banner (AUOB) march will leave Kelvingrove Park at 11:30 GMT and head to Glasgow Green. A mass rally that was due to be held afterwards has been cancelled after rain and high winds were forecast. 
It is the first of eight marches that the grassroots AUOB group plans to hold across Scotland over the coming year. Another AUOB march will be held in Glasgow in May, with similar events scheduled for Arbroath, Peebles, Elgin, Kirkcaldy, Stirling and Edinburgh.
When asked why the Socialist Party does not support Scottish independence, we point out that, at best, they will simply be exchanging one lot of masters for another. They may win or be allowed a little more freedom within the system but while it remains they must depend on the capitalists — state or private — for their subsistence. For workers, independence is merely a change of rulers. Nationalism is a ruse to lure workers into supporting the rights of the business class to make profits at their expense. We state unambiguously our opposition to the views of both Westminster and Holyrood.
“Independence" is a word used to stir up emotions. An "independent" Scotland will be no more independent than it is today. It will still have to conform to global economic pressures which govern how much food will be on the table of the average person. The current economic system doesn’t play favourites based upon national, ethnic, or cultural sovereignty. Capital investment and migration is based upon the likelihood of making better profits, not upon which of the largely irrelevant politicians form the government.

"Independence" will solve the problems that working people face every day. The working class will never be served by nationalism. If Scots, in the future, decide to separate, they should not expect it to improve their lives. Capitalist economics has a very forceful way of ensuring that the world remains class-divided, and that the working class is at the bottom of that division. The world's working class don’t need a change in politicians. we need an end to class division. 


  1. 80,000 people attended the march.

  2. The next march planned for Arbroath in April to mark the 700th anniversary of the signing of Scotland’s declaration of independence.
