

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

The Socialist Party is the Workers' Party

There is something more than a mere matter of wages. It is a question as to whether we have socialism or whether we living under an oligarchy or plutocracy. What we are aiming at, my friends, is to achieve economic freedom. What the Socialist Party is are aiming at is to achieve economic freedom. Under the present vicious system men have been robbed of the fruits of their toil. The Socialist Party proposes proposes absolute economic freedom for the individual and common ownership of all the means of production and distribution.  Every enterprise is to be carried out for the well-being of all and not for private profit.

The people must rid themselves of the whole brood of masters and exploiters, and take  possession and control of the means of production so that they can ensure comfort and security. The capitalist system must be overthrown, class-rule abolished and wage-slavery supplanted by the cooperative commonwealth.

The Socialist Party does not compromise. It has convictions and stands by them resolutely. We are on the eve of change. Men and women will soon free themselves from their industrial servitude. The day is dawning when humanity will unite in humanity’s interests, and when all shall work for the common good of all. There is but one way to relieve poverty and to free the people, and that is by making common property of all the machinery of the means of life. Socialism is  the emancipation of the working class from wage-slavery, and every person with intelligence enough to understand their interests will once and for all time sever ties with the pro-capitalist parties; and cast his or her lot with the class-conscious, revolutionary Socialist Party, which is pledged not to compromise but remain committed to the principles and goal of economic freedom. It is a question of capitalism or socialism, of economic despotism or economic democracy, and those who are not with us are against us. 

If only all the working class could and would use their eyes and see; their ears and hear; their brains and think. How soon this Earth could be transformed into a place filled with beauty and joy. No sane person can be satisfied with the present system.

We live in the capitalist system, so-called because it is dominated by the capitalist class. In this system the capitalists are the rulers and the workers the subjects. The capitalists are in a decided minority and yet they rule because of the ignorance of the working class. So long as the workers are divided, economically and politically, they will remain in subjection, exploited of what they produce and treated with contempt by the parasites who live off their toil. So long as people are content with conditions as they are, so long as they are satisfied under the leadership of those who are far more interested in feathering their own nests than in the welfare of their followers, so long, in a word, as the workers are meek and submissive followers, mere sheep, they will be fleeced, and no one will hold them in greater contempt than the very grafters and parasites who get fat on the people’s misery. Working people must take the initiative in uniting for effective economic and political action; the self-appointed leaders will never do it for them. People should no longer be deceived by the  their betrayers, who blatantly boast of selling out the dupes who blindly follow them. Such “leaders” lead their victims into a shambles and deliver them over to the exploiters.

The struggle for more wages will ever continue while the wage system lasts, until a more enlightened conception of our relation to each other when we come to see that we are really brothers and sisters and live in harmonious unity.  People must not only make common cause with those of their own nationality and their colour, but with people of all lands and all colours. The interests of the millions of wage workers are identical, regardless of nationality, creed, or sex, and if they will only open their eyes to this simple, self-evident fact, the greatest obstacle will have been overcome and the day of victory will draw near.

The Socialist Party is the party of the workers, organised to express in political terms their determination to break their chains and rise to the dignity of free men and women. It is this party the workers will develop their political power to conquer and abolish the capitalist political state and clear the way for industrial and social democracy. The prevailing economic system can only be abolished in two ways; namely, by securing control of government or by violent revolution. No sane man prefers violent to peaceful measures, and hence socialists rely upon the efficacy of a united class-conscious ballot to accomplish their end. The Socialist Party is a revolutionary party in the sense that its basic demand is the common ownership of the means of production and distribution and the operation of all industry in the interest of all the people. This will mean an economic democracy which can result only from common ownership, and upon this vital principle the Socialist Party differs diametrically from every other party. Between private ownership and common ownership there can be no compromise. One produces for profit, the other for use. One produces millionaires and beggars, the other social equals. One gives us palaces and hovels, robes and rags, the other will secure to every man and woman comfort and luxury, abolish class rule, wipe out class distinction, secure the peace of society, and make of this Earth for the first time a habitable place.

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