

Thursday, January 23, 2020

We need the Socialist Standard

Give a person a copy of the Socialist Standard and you have given that person a three-hour lecture on socialism. This appeal is addressed to all members and sympathisers. The Socialist Party is experiencing grave difficulties in the distribution of the Socialist Standard. Our many readers would doubtless be anxious if they thought that there was a danger of the Standard “packing up.” There is no immediate danger of this happening, but rising costs of production, together with increasing difficulties of distribution, are causing not a little worry.

Does this mean anything to you? You may have come in contact with our paper or organisation quite recently, or you may be a supporter of one of the traditional left-wing; whichever category you come under we ask you to give your immediate and serious attention to this appeal.

In the fight for socialism the Standard has been one of our most effective means of propaganda. It has enabled us to deliver our message not only in this country, but in all parts of the English speaking world.

The need for the Standard and its possibilities are now greater than ever. Owing to the rapid industrial developments of the past few years the minds of thousands of workers are in a state of unrest, and need but an understanding of the principles of socialism to convert their aimless discontent into a state of ordered enlightenment, and so add their strength to the revolutionary movement.

Unfortunately, our powers of propaganda are limited, the circulation of this journal is not as large as it might be, and the expense of its publication is still a drain upon the general funds of the Party. But there is the possibility of making the Standard self-supporting. A thousand new readers will accomplish this object, and that secured, progress will be easier and more rapid.
 As the written word is our major form of propagating socialism, all comrades can participate in distributing socialist literature and so help the Party and themselves to bring about a greater understanding of our case by our  fellow workers. Working people who carefully read THE SOCIALIST STANDARD and become acquainted with the aims and methods of the Socialist Party  are bound to realise, sooner or later, that the path marked out is the only certain way out of wage-slavery.

Political parties must be judged by their record—our record is contained in the Socialist Standard first published in September, 1904, and in each successive issue right up to the one you are reading now. No other political party in this country has handled the case for socialism in line with Marxism, that job was, and is, the job of the Socialist Party Whether or not this job is to be tackled with increasing vigour really depends on YOU—because the Party is as strong, and no stronger, than the efforts of our members and friends make it. 

There is no need for me to dwell on the difficult conditions under which the Standard is produced these days. We leave that to your imagination, knowing that you will understand and respond speedily.

Some members in Glasgow intend a drive to increase Socialist Standard sales. Details to follow in due course.

We feel confident that every friend of the Socialist Party is going to see to it that we win this critical battle in our history. 

Let the campaign commence!

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