

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Tomorrow is Ours

Capitalism creates upheavals around world for investment and expansion, convulsing the world in pain and blood in order to accumulate capital and make increased profits. Only socialism, unhindered by the profit motive, would permit of the free development of the means of production and distribution with the object of use. Only socialism on a world scale can end war. Only socialism can bring self-management instead of bureaucratic regimentation. Only socialism can make administration the servants of men and women rather than capitalism being the master of mankind. Only the socialist reorganisation of society can be the answer. Socialism is the hope of humanity.

The Socialist Party shows not only that socialist society is possible and feasible, and above all in the interests of the people, in complete accord with a true civilisation but also that it is most necessary. Nothing is eternal and unchangeable. Everything is variable. 

Nowhere can the capitalist class offer working people a way out of the nightmare of their misery and suffering. The Socialist Party stands irreconcilably opposed to capitalism and works for the establishment of worldwide socialism. The power of the ruling class must be broken! It can be done; it must be done. Socialism is a call for sharing and caring. Socialists do not rape the earth nor worship efficiency at the expense of people and nature. It is not industrialization per se, but privately owned and controlled technology that destroys the earth. The real battle line lies between capitalists and the exploited.

The system must be changed from the capitalist system, a system based on the privilege of a few people, where the majority toils for the profit of a few, into a socialist system, where the majority produces for the use of the majority.

Despite lies and propaganda in the media, the people cannot be fooled about socialism any longer. They have learned that this capitalist system is a brutal barbaric system. With the capacity to feed the entire world, many endure hunger and starvation. With the possibility of peace, there has never been such bloodshed. With the need of housing, we have homelessness. Capitalism is a system that demands that working people submit to sociopaths. That is what must change and that is what the Socialist Party is all about.

Our goal is to imbue people with the burning desire and the will to fight for socialism, because the socialist system means real freedom and that can only come with socialism. The working class must end this capitalist system that is based and thrives upon murder, starvation and misery of the masses of the people. There is no need of a system that can only produce want and hunger for the many, and vast wealth for the few. That system must be swept away, and only the working class can do it. That is the message we take across the all lands. People everywhere must be motivated and organised. Everyone knows that it’s time for a change. But it must be made clear that if there’s going to be a change, it is the people themselves that must make it. Mankind makes its own history. Every time there’s been a change, it’s because somebody organised to do it. The goal is to mobilise the people, to instruct them–if you want freedom, you must fight for it. It was the working people of this world that built it; and they deserve to inherit it. It’s time for a change to transfer the world’s wealth into the hands of its rightful owners.

The world socialist movement has a great future. And if we face it with confidence, and put our trust in a new generation, the future will become the present all the sooner. Our task is to hold to principles and help the process along, provide some of the ideas, and make room for the new generation of socialists to take up the baton. Wherever you see a party anywhere that has few young people, you can say that its prospects are pessimistic. The road ahead may be rough but it is shorter than the road behind. Socialism, the cooperative commonwealth, is still an inspiration to the downtrodden and exploited. There still remains a fighting class spirit

Our duty remains the same, today like yesterday. It is to assemble together, ever more united, ever more ardent, in our class party, the Socialist Party. The future is ours. 

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