

Sunday, March 08, 2020

Chaos, chaos and more Chaos.

Chaos, chaos and more chaos, describes the state of the world at present - floods, fires, droughts, coronavirus, stock markets tumbling and wacko's going off fully cocked shooting people, way to go capitalism. Here in Canada we have our own unfair share of chaos which is known as Blockade. Starting in B.C. the federal government wanted to put the Coastal GasLink Pipeline project on the land of the Wet'suwet'en Indians. The $6.2 billion dollar pipeline is intended to deliver natural gas across northern B.C., where it will be prepared for global markets by converting it into a liquid state. Some but not all indians have objected, knowing full well what happens when the government take, or use, their land. This has caused blockades of freight and passenger rail lines all over Canada as indians and their sympathisers have squatted down on the tracks. On Feb. 26 they caused commuter lines to be blocked in Southern Ontario, which left thousands stranded at Toronto's Union Station. Manufacturing capitalists have been unable to get materials and, since they are unable to produce, have laid workers off. Farmers are unable to get their produce to market nor can they get feed for their animals. At the time of writing, Feb. 28., there is no end in sight. Prime Minister Trudeau is negotiating but has made no progress. To learn more one is advised to check the internet. And to think that for years apologists for capitalism told me a socialist society would degenerate into chaos!
S.P.C. Members.

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