

Sunday, March 08, 2020

The Best Of Intentions.

New Brunswick's deputy premier, Robert Gauvin, quit both the government and the P.C.'s in protest against the proposed health cuts on February 14. His decision, which was warmly received by his supporters, followed the government’s decision to close overnight emergency wards in six community hospitals. Gauvin said he would run as an independent in the next election, stating: ''I don't feel the premier is protecting citizens, I have to do something.'' Premier Blaine Higgs, said he was convinced the government is doing the right thing for the sustainability of the health care system, which may ring hollow to anyone who needs emergency care at night. Mr.Gauvin means well, but good intentions don't cut it. The most well intentioned thing anyone can do is to work for a socialist society where problems like the above can’t exist.
S.P.C. Members.

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