

Sunday, March 29, 2020

What the Future Holds

When this pandemic is eventually contained and abates we cannot return to normal, because normal was the problem. This as an opportunity to restart society for a better future. We can rebuild our society in an egalitarian way, in an environmental conscious way. We can banish the politics of hate. There are endless possibilities that a post-COVID-19 future can offer us to change our world. Our present capitalist system is unsustainable, and it works for the interests of a few very rich people.

 For the sake of the future, we must build a sustainable, steady-state economic system, an economic system which ends inequality. Nature may have be involved in the birth of this coronavirus strain but the number of deaths depend on human action and how we organise our society’s economic structure. Much of government policies and the lack of medical infrastructure and resources has proven that global capitalist system is incompetent. The world face an almost unprecedented crisis due to the spread of COVID-19. We’re all in this together, and we will only get out of it together. That means a paradigm shift in working together. Open our eyes and start learning that we need to have a different political, economic and healthcare systems from this present one.

The Socialist Party is in favour of the common ownership of all the means of production and distribution: namely, the land, mines, mills, factories, and productive machinery, for the purpose of operating industry in the interest of the whole people. The Socialist Party proposes to establish economic democracy.  The earliest known system of society, of which there exist examples today in certain spots of the earth. Men and women lived together in groups known as gens or clans. These were units of a larger group called the tribe. This type of organisation is built up on kinship or blood relationship. There was no private property, and hence no classes. The land was owned and shared in common.

 State and municipal ownership of energy, transport, etc., are palliatives and meagre ones too. Those who talk about these as “socialism” in any sense at best confuse workers on what really constitutes socialism – namely, the social ownership and control of the means of production and distribution by the people and the ending of the profit system. 

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