

Sunday, April 12, 2020

The Messy Hell Of Daily Capitalism.

Women's shelters are in crisis; there just isn't enough and they're starved of money.

 A recent CBC report said that women who have been beaten by husbands or boyfriends have been turned away from shelters 19,000 times in February, all over Canada. 

In Ontario, Doug Ford doesn't seem to be their best friend. Last year his government cut $17 million in support for women's shelters. On March 6 Ford killed a $1 million grant for Ontario rape crisis centers. After protests he gave in and gave them $2 million. His push for more alcohol everywhere, sold in grocery stores and corner shops, available at all hours of the day, is bad for recovering alcoholics and worse for women. 

There is a direct link between alcohol, drunk men and violent attacks on women. Everywhere one looks daily life under capitalism presents itself as one hell of mess.

S.P.C. Members.

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