

Saturday, May 09, 2020

Poem: Taking The Rostrum

   These steps I’ve taken this afternoon
    Like any other afternoon
    Are for SOCIALISM, nothing less
    For no other cause will I digress
    My comrades and I will never falter
    Though mocked and jeered we’ll never alter
    We know our case in and out
    So take us to task, have a bout
    Prove us wrong and I’ll get down
    Maybe join a circus, become a clown
    If that is all you want to see
    Or do you possess the dignity
    To stand up against inequality,
    Destruction, degradation, poverty, starvation even!
    What do you do Mary, Bob, Alice, Stephen?
    You acquiesce to a system
    Where profit be the only reason
    To struggle, to suffer through every season
    Summer, Winter, Autumn, Spring
    Don’t time fly by with a zing?
    You know!
    This madhouse does not have to be
    A better system we can see
    So open your minds
    Give SOCIALISM some thought
    If you agree, throw in your support
    We’ll not have to look to optimism
    When the world is rid of capitalism
    David Wright

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