

Friday, June 12, 2020

''A Feeling Of Powerlessness.''

 In September 2019, the Toronto Star conducted a survey on insecurity, collecting data from 2,500 workers. They were asked, among other questions, how confident they were that they would still have the same job two years later and 47 per cent said they unsure. The expression most commonly used was -- ''A feeling of powerlessness.'' 

By the third week of March, when COVID-19 was getting into its stride, a new survey showed that feeling had increased to 61 per cent. Since no survey has been taken in May, one can expect it would be a lot higher. The intensity of insecurity and powerlessness was felt more by workers who did not have a university degree, older workers and those with a family income of between $25,000 and $50,000. 

If living under an economic system makes one a nervous wreck, then it would be a hell of a good idea to get rid of it.

S.P.C. Members.

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