

Sunday, August 02, 2020

Socialists in Edinburgh. (1930)

Party News from the August 1930 issue of the Socialist Standard

The Edinburgh comrades are holding good meetings at the Mound several nights a week. A large part of the time is devoted to answering questions on Socialist policy, in view of the confusion spread here by the I.L.P. and Communist organisations, as well as direct action elements. The decline of Communists is seen in the poorly attended meetings conducted by them in this town, where once they had a large following.

Good sales of literature are being made, considering the uphill work of pushing scientific literature against the sensational and so-called practical rubbish which passes for working class education. All those interested in our work should attend our meetings.

There was no branch or group in Edinburgh at the time this post appeared in the Standard, and there's no contact listing for the Edinburgh comrades in the August 1930 Socialist Standard.

However, there was a notice in the August issue indicating that there SPGB speakers at The Mound - the well-known outdoor speaking pitch in Edinburgh - Wednesday, Friday and Saturdays at 8pm, and on Sundays at 7pm.

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