

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

There Are Two Sides To Every Story.

The caption at the top of page of the Toronto Star’s business section of August 1, reads: ''Canadian economy starting to look up.'' Our old friend Stats-Canada waxed rhapsodic that the GDP expanded 4.5 per cent in May and that June was even stronger; over all the GDP increased about 10 per cent in the two months, after falling more than 18 per cent in March and April. 

To quote, ''The report confirms that Canada's economy has experienced a sharp recovery since emerging from nationwide lockdowns.'' But wait a minute folks, before you reach for the six-pack, the condoms or whatever else that helps you celebrate, that ain't all that was on page 3. There were articles on four Canadian companies - the captions read, ''Air Canada hits rough winds with $1.75B loss”; “Reitman's future thrown into doubt''; ''David’s Tea reports $45.8 million loss,'' and though it’s not a company another report states that in Toronto, ''Condo sales down but prices are up.'' 

Er...excuse me, I thought every thing was hunky-dorey.

S.P.C. Members.

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