

Monday, September 14, 2020

A Typical Crazy Capitalist Cock-up.

Trudeau's fall guy Bill Morneau resigned as Finance Minister on Aug.17, in the wake of the WE Charity scandal and was succeeded by Trudeau's go-to person, Deputy P.M. and Intergovernmental Affairs Minister Chrystia Freedland. She remains as Trudeau's deputy, but Dominic LeBlanc takes over her duties regarding the provinces. Both Trudeau and Morneau are still being investigated by Ethics Commissioner Mario Dion after the Liberal government gave WE Charity a $43.53 million contract to administer a $900 million student grant program, despite their families having close ties to the charity. Trudeau has suspended parliament till Sep.23, which means the committee to investigate him is also suspended. 

The opposition parties scream, ''Corruption,'' as if they had never done anything wrong. 

Ms. Freedland takes on a tough job considering the government debt is $1.2 trillion; just another typical crazy capitalist cock-up.

S.P.C. Members.

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