

Thursday, September 10, 2020


The world revolution which is destined to wipe capitalism off the face of the earth and to establish the class-free society of socialism. The Socialist Party analyses capitalist society and projects a vision of socialism from the clues found in capitalist society. We aim to make it crystal clear where we’re coming from. If we were not for the goal of revolution, then this party would have no reason to exist.  There are a thousands of petty reformers running around preaching about how the system can be patched up. Who needs any more? The Socialist Party aims to puncture the lies and help peel off the illusions that their system encrusts us with. We see events every day which show the rottenness of this system and the need for revolution. We need to hasten it along to its grave. We are not talking about any old vague idea of revolution. We are talking about working class revolution— the socialist revolution, by the people who are the enslaved class under this system, forced to sell their ability to work in order to live and who really and truly have nothing to lose but their chains by overthrowing this system. There is only one class, the working class, that can create the revolution, and can go on and build socialist society and pave the way to socialism. The kind of revolution we need is a socialist revolution.

In capitalist society, the solution to the oppression and exploitation of the working class is socialism, the ownership of the factories, mines, fields, offices and shops by the working people. Why hasn’t there been a socialist revolution? The basic problem is the class consciousness of the working class. The ruling class has two very powerful sets of tools to oppose the spread of class consciousness and action based on it  fraud and force. Force is exercised by the capitalist state to suppress all working class action that goes too far for the capitalists. But their more powerful long term weapon against revolution is fraud  the whole collection of institutions and ideas to fill the minds of the working class with misconceptions of capitalist society, of the workers’ own interests, and of how to change society. If force and fraud are the two weapons of the capitalists, it is clear what we must do to speed up the socialist revolution. We have to overcome fraud with class consciousness and capture the political power that legitimises the force of the capitalists.

Our strategy for revolution is to recognise that the enemy is capitalism and the goal is socialism. The Socialist Party alone cannot create a revolutionary situation by its educational and agitational work alone. Revolutionary situations arise independently of the will of the party and even of one class. Objective factors, basically the contradictions in capitalist economy, create revolutionary situations. Wars, recessions, can lead to revolutionary situations in certain countries at certain times. In a revolutionary situation and the working class has been aroused to question the capitalist system itself, the party must already have been built. 

We who have joined together to form the WORLD SOCIALIST MOVEMENT organise towards electing MPs as socialist delegates to overwhelm parliaments and declare the annulment of all property and territorial rights whereby all the resources of our planet will become the common heritage of the whole humanity.
The necessary objective condition for socialism -  productive abundance - has been achieved since about the beginning of the past century. What's lacking is the other condition, that is the subjective class conscious majority of people who agree and seek socialism. Our task is to facilitate understanding and disseminate knowledge. In view of that, we hold to the idea that we are able to achieve socialism right here and now. We are not gradualists. We are real radicals. We are not reformists. We are revolutionaries.

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