

Sunday, September 06, 2020

The Party of the People

Every step of the Socialist Party will be in the direction of the co-operative commonwealth. The problems of society, as they relate to daily life and sustenance, will then no longer be affected in any way by money. The Socialist Party must avoid the snare, the machinations of the class foe all that which would mislead and uselessly exhaust our forces and to use parliament, as we use the media and the meetings, in order to educate and organise and to bring to a conclusion the social revolution. Help us to raise the red banner of the social revolution  and to free ourselves from capitalist domination. The socialist revolution would reduce despotism to dust. 

The Socialist Party object is not the enactment of palliative reforms under capitalism, nor the obtaining of higher wages, but the immediate establishment of a co-operative commonwealth. Our objective is the reorganisation of society upon the lines of co-operation, constituted by or in the interest of the producing class for the welfare of the community. That is, in fact, the emancipation of the whole wage-slave class.

The capitalist rulers of the United States have a great number of intellectuals to exalt them and bestow praises upon them. In the fields of culture and media countless books, movies, and TV series depict merits of the privileged class. The aim is to emasculate American workers of all revolutionary potential ensuring they will not develop any anti-capitalist consciousness or a desire to build a socialist society.

The road to prosperity, to peace for all is the road to socialism. There is no other. The capitalist system is irreparable, and any party that is based on such illusions will be bankrupt and will only lead to the demoralisation, disillusionment and open betrayal of those who count on it. A socialist society must be founded on true solidarity, on true cooperation. The society of human fraternity, freedom, peace, that is socialism, is the noblest aim that mankind has ever aspired to. Socialism means expanding democracy not only just in the political sense but also economically – freedom from want. We need to make a fundamental change in society. Our compass for where we are finally headed should have socialism as its destination. We need to keep our end in mind not to lose our way. Awaken before it is too late! The future is in our hands. We shall overthrow capitalism. There is no going backwards. There is only going forward to the socialist future.

We propose, in brief, that all resources, all land and buildings, all manufacturing establishments, mines, the means of transportation and communication, should be, not private property, but the common property of all.

A socialist world will have a planned economy. This planning will guarantee the well-being of all the people. The enormous waste of capitalism will be abolished. 

Capitalism has no solution. Madness continues to prevail in the world. Only socialism can bring the solution. Only socialism can end capitalist property rights and organise production to meet human needs. Once capitalism is overthrown, then and only then can production be organised in common for all, and every increase in production bring increasing abundance and leisure for all. This is the aim of the working-class revolution. Only the organised working-class can fight and destroy the power of the capitalist class, can drive the capitalists from possession, can organise social production. The working-class is the social force of the future throughout the world to the future free and equal society.

 Long live the real solidarity of the workers of all countries and the revolutionary, ruthless war against our masters.

Forward to the fight for socialism. Forward to the social revolution.

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