

Wednesday, October 21, 2020



WHERE there’s a will, there’s a way. When there is a general will to establish socialism a way will be found. 

Bosses make their profit by taking it out of the labour and sweat of their workers. Classes exist because some men  own the factories and mines and machines, and most of us have to go to work for them. The boss tries to squeeze as much profit out of the worker as he can. The workers tries to gain as close to a living wage out of the boss as we can. And if the workers stopped struggling, they’d just be squeezed more. That’s why there’s a class struggle. There are kind bosses and tough bosses. There were kind slave-masters and cruel ones. The working class wants NO slave-masters and NO bosses. The workers wanted to take end the PROFIT SYSTEM. Wherever a wage worker confronts an employer conflict is born. It’s the old story: you can’t run with the hare and the hounds at the same time. You just can’t reconcile the interests of the workers and the interests of the bosses.

The Socialist Party faces the fact so that society is to be changed that wealth is produced not for money-sale but for the direct satisfaction of the ascertained needs of the whole co-operating community of owning-workers involves a complete change in every detail of social life. We socialists are not a party of deception. We will tell the workers the truth and organise for the destruction of this horrible system and the introduction of a socialist system of society. We say that the working people can make for themselves a better world – if they stop supporting capitalist candidates and capitalist parties.

The idle lives of a minority ruling class can only be maintained by a class-divided society where human labour-power is exploited. Capitalism represents an historical era in which human labor-power is commodified. In the case of the exploitation of slave labour things are exceedingly clear. Slaves, who exist as a sort of animal owned by another human being, have no freedom. Like a dog, a slave is unable to exercise any degree of physical or mental freedom. The products of a slave's labour belong in their entirety to the slave owner. All that is received in return is food.

A peasant, meanwhile, is a sort of half-person. Firmly tied to the land, a peasant cannot choose what to grow or which land to grow it on, nor is he free to choose a profession. To the extent that peasants cultivate the plot of land they are provided, they are able to obtain food, clothing and lodging. But the fruit of their labour on the lord's fields entirely belong to this master, some of the products from the land the peasants themselves cultivate must be paid as a tribute to this lord in-kind.

Under capitalism, however, things are different. Labour-power is commodified and thus sold according to its value. The means of production are also purchased and owned by the capitalist class. Capitalists come into possession of the means of production and labour-power through the process of circulation, as well as the resulting products that likewise flow back to them via the circulation process to meet their needs. Even if everything is bought and sold at its value, capitalists are able to obtain the surplus-labour that forms surplus-value. Granted, for their labour workers make use of raw materials, machinery, and factories owned by the capitalist. These could not be created without the use of the means of production, which were not created by the labour of a particular factory’s workers themselves. But still, workers in a factory somewhere produced them, using whatever machinery and raw materials were necessary. Apart from land, all of the means of production are things that are produced. And since land is not the product of labour, here we will set it aside as a factor. The means of production are also the product of labour. However, they do not represent newly expended labour. Only workers labour anew and expend labour. A company's products can thus be said to contain the labour from the machinery, factories, raw materials, etc. which used prior, and the labour newly expended by the workers.old labor and the new labour -- i.e. dead labour and living labour.

The notion that the country is “our” country – i.e. everybody’s alike, that there is such a thing as nation or community, a mystic something to which we belong and which protects us, is cultivated by the ruling class for the purpose of hiding the fact of class cleavage, of exploitation for the purpose of making the worker patriotic that he believes his interests are the same as for “his” country, instead of the capitalists. Revolutionary actions are directed against the system as a whole – for its overthrow. Revolution must involve a majority of the active population. 

The Socialist Party seeks to build socialism, not on the ruins of civilisation, but on the framework of science and technology placed at the service of all mankind.

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