

Saturday, October 10, 2020

Will The Landlords Find Ways Around The Laws To Prevent Rent Increases?

Steve Clark, Ontario's Minister for Housing, said on September 8 that this Fall his government is going to freeze increases for most tenants. This did not make either landlords or tenants happy. 

Tony Irwin, Prez. of the Federation of Rental Providers of Ontario, in words of the landlords union said, ''The government should be focusing on assisting those who can't pay their rent, whether its frozen or not.'' 

Bahar Shadpour, Advocacy Centre for Tenants Ontario, had another way of looking at the situation, stating: ''This does not address the root causes of unaffordable rents,'' and in this sense he is perfectly right. Though when he speaks of ''root causes'' he may not mean the same general capitalism we see, but only its crummy administration. 

Mr. Clark also said this year was different to others, meaning the virus, but nevertheless, for years we've seen landlords finding ways around laws to prevent rent increases, especially if there are loopholes. 

It will be interesting to see how the cookie crumbles, just don't spend your savings the working class tenants will come out alright.

S.P.C. Members.

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