

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Change the World - End Scarcity

 Socialism will triumph only when the working people take possession of all the basic means of production under their own control. The aim of the Socialist Party is a society based on equality of all persons without distinction of race, sex or creed. We hold that the necessary step to this society is that the means of production should be owned by no single individual or group but by the whole community with the recognition of the maxim ‘from each according to capacity, to each according to needs’. The Socialist Party speaks of ”world socialism, as expressing that the we do not recognise the national distinctions made by our masters, and that in the society of the future, nation-states as political entities will cease to exist, and give place to the federation of communities bound together by locality or convenience. Here, the Socialist Party differs from some radicals who cannot see as far as the abolition of nationality.

The Socialist Party puts before our fellow workers its aims, plainly and honestly, and has the confidence that however strange these aims may be at f first sight to many, the time will come when circumstances will force our fellow-workers to accept them as their own, and that it is not a waste of our resources and energy in the meantime to familiarise them with these aims to quicken the revolutionary process. 

The Socialist Party has declared over and over again the futility of reformists wasting their time in getting palliative measures passed by Parliament, which, even if desirable and temporarily useful, they would be brought about much more readily if we did not mix ourselves up in the matter. Also the Socialist Party does not believe it is of any useful purpose to be  campaigning for the votes of those who do not understand the ideas of socialism, and of those who would be attracted by election promises which could not be fulfilled if by any chance such candidates were returned to Parliament.

People are today inundated with appeals to help feed the starving masses of the world. It is clear that we must find a solution to our food problems. Although we are mostly poor, our planet is potentially extremely rich. We have the paradox of poverty in the midst of plenty, and scarcity in the midst of abundance. Capitalists refuse to make the things that people need unless they are guaranteed profits. We live under an economy of production for profit rather than for use, it thrives on scarcity. All of the poverty and greed, bloodshed and suffering on this capitalist-dominated planet is a part of a world the wealthy claim they never made. But we’re going to change it for them. The bosses are the dis-organisers of production as they are the dis-organisers of the lives of working people. The only real organisation of production that can take place is when the workers have control of production. That’s why the capitalists are so touchy about the truth on production. They require absolute deception. The capitalists do not answer with their real argument – that their sole concern is profits – because that can’t stand the light of day. Instead, they counter by casting doubts and laying down a smoke-screen.

The Socialist Party wants to abolish poverty, insecurity, unemployment and war; we do not want totalitarianism in any form. We want a planet free of the war-breeding struggle for capitalist markets, a world in which goods are produced for the use of the producers and not for sale with a view to profit. We want a society in which machinery will become a blessing to multiply our output and give to the producers leisure in which to study, travel and enjoy the product of our labour. We want to live full lives relieved forever of want and fear of want.

The workers possess the right to agitate freely for the overthrow of the capitalist system and to advocate and agitate for the establishment in its place of the Socialist Cooperative Commonwealth.

Socialism means the abolition of the State with its hordes of politicians and establishing the ownership and operation by the workers of the means of wealth production of the land, the factories, communications and transport. It means an end to exploitation and the inauguration of true democracy, the establishment of industrial democracy. Administration over things, as opposed to the capitalist state rule over men and women.

We demand life in socialism not death under capitalism. The struggle for socialism has become the fight for the very existence of mankind. For economic security and for permanent peace – World Socialism.

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