

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

The Glasgow Agreement


"The Glasgow Agreement is a commitment by organizations of the climate justice movement to create an alternative tool for action and a space for strategy and coordination inside the climate justice movement, taking a step away from negotiations with governments and international institutions. It will create territorial inventories of disaggregated emissions and create social plans to stop climate chaos and usher climate justice in the next decade."

...Achieving a just and egalitarian world, which respects planetary limits, and therefore guarantees a safe climate system, implies addressing intrinsic elements such as colonialism, labour, imbalance of power, participation, or the search for benefits for a few at the cost of the majority, just to mention a few aspects. Patches and empty speeches will still not work; there will always be an economic or financial justification to legitimize the polluters who have caused the problem.

...To say that institutions have not delivered on the struggle against climate change may be the biggest understatement in human history...emissions from fossil fuels have only dropped in the years of 2008 and in 2020. Neither happened because of climate action or institutional agreements, but due to capitalist and health crises.

...This Glasgow Agreement action plan will provide the basis for a 'Climate Agenda' from below that articulates struggles already in the field, providing a plan to achieve climate justice in its many dimensions. Rather than plans dictated from the top, which have proven not only to be unfair and destructive, but not even reach the necessary emissions cuts, we will build a plan of our own, from the grassroots and social movements, organized in the territories and in the different regions all around the world, applying the logic of just transition for workers and societies.

 We will never stop fighting for a future of justice and solidarity... Let us turn social power from below into the positive wheel of history!"

The Socialist Party can sympathise with the sentiments of the Glasgow Agreement statement but we cannot be deluded into thinking that mere words is suffice. The only action that is possible to halt and then reverse global warming is putting an end to the real cause of this environmental emergency - and that is by abolishing the capitalist system in its full entirety. 

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