

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Another Crazy Situation.

The Hudson's Bay Company, considered by many to be a Canadian institution, is in financial trouble, owing millions in unpaid rent. 

Like most retailers the Bay has been hit hard by the pandemic lockdown, but unlike most has adopted a policy of stiffing its landlords across the country. In the eight months since the shutdown it hasn't paid rent to eight landlords in Quebec, Ontario and British Columbia, all of whom have taken legal proceedings against them.

 In Quebec, their landlord, Cominar Real Estate, have filed three eviction notices. The Bay has leases valued at $20 million a month across 21 locations in North America.

 If the Bay declares bankruptcy it will make 2 thousands of workers unemployed. 

Another crazy situation thrown up by capitalism in which the working class are the losers.

S.P.C. Members.

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