

Wednesday, December 09, 2020

Change the System


Working people do not want fed empty promises, because they have eaten them for years. It is within the power of the working class to establish socialism, a system of peace, abundance and equality and freedom.  The working class is a revolutionary class and as such is capable of overthrowing the capitalist system and establishing the socialist society. Sadly, the working class are so imbued with the ideas of capitalism that they can always be diverted from its revolutionary aim.

We are Marxists. We are revolutionaries. Our goal is the cooperative commonwealth. Our struggle is for the overthrow of capitalism, for workers’ power and socialism. Capitalist interests are fundamentally different and opposed to working-class interests. To achieve victory over capitalism the working class must organise itself on a solid base and have a political party under its own direction. As socialists, we understand that the struggle to make the lives of workers better is a never-ending, contentious battle as long as capitalism exists. We also understand that working people have tremendous power if it can be organised. That has been shown over and over again.

The purpose of the Socialist Party is to end the wars, violence, poverty, and brutality dictated by the capitalist class. Socialism is a society where humans can share the wealth of the world equally and create a world in which the free development of each is the condition for the free development of all; a world where we can all benefit from each according to our individual and multiple abilities and talents; and provide to each according to our individual needs and wants while protecting our planet and all the life on it, saving the world. Capitalism is a world system is on its way out.

Social justice can never prevail until industrial despotism has been supplanted by industrial democracy.


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