

Friday, December 11, 2020

Freedom for all


The Socialist Party believes that most of the ills that afflict mankind stem from a bad social organisation called capitalism and that men and women could change it if they so wished and knew how. It would be ridiculous and contrary to our objectives to seek to impose freedom, love among men and the radical development of human faculties, by means of force. One must therefore rely on the free will of others, and all we can do is to provoke the development and the expression of the will of the people. 

The Socialist Party seeks the abolition of private property in land, in raw materials, and the instruments of labour, so that no one shall have the means of living by the exploitation of the labour of others, and that everybody, being assured of the means to produce and to live, shall be truly independent and in a position to unite freely among themselves.

The Socialist Party wishes the organisation of social life by means of free association and federations of producers and consumers, created and modified according to the wishes of their members, guided by science and experience, and free from any kind of imposition which does not spring from natural needs, to which everyone, convinced by a feeling of overriding necessity, voluntarily submits. The means of life, for development and well-being, will be guaranteed to all.

The Socialist Party wants the abolition of government and of every power which makes the law and imposes it on others: therefore abolition of monarchies, republics, parliaments, armies, police forces, and any institution whatsoever endowed with coercive powers.

Our ideal is a question of changing the way of life of society as a whole; of establishing among humanity relationships based on cooperation and solidarity; of achieving the full material, moral and intellectual development for all mankind—and this is not something that can be imposed by force, but must emerge through the enlightened consciences of each one of us and be achieved with the free consent of all. Our first task therefore must be to persuade people.

We must make people aware of the misfortunes they suffer and of the possibility of ending them. We must awaken sympathy in everybody for the misfortunes of others and see in those the common cause - capitalism.

The Socialist Party will demonstrate how possible and easy it could be to assure to everybody their material needs. It will show how it is possible to live happily in a world of people who are free and equal. We will point to the road that leads to peace and prosperity.

The Socialist Party will arouse the sentiment of rebellion in the minds of men and women against the avoidable and unjust evils from which we suffer in society today, and in getting them to understand how they are caused and how it depends on human will to rid ourselves of them; and when we will have created a lively and strong desire to transform society for the good of all, then those who are convinced, will by their own efforts as well as by the example of those already convinced, unite and want to as well as be able to act for their common ideals.

 What the Socialist Party wants is the complete end of the exploitation of man by man; we want men and women united as brothers and sisters by a conscious and desired solidarity, all cooperating voluntarily for the well-being of all; we want society to be constituted for the purpose of supplying everybody with the means for achieving the maximum well-being where the means of production should be at the disposal of everybody and that no one person, or any group should be in a position to oblige others to submit to their will or to exercise their influence other than through the power of reason and by example. Therefore: expropriation of the capitalists for the benefit of all; and abolition of government.


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