

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Socialism - A Solidarity Society


The Socialist Party conceives of a society without exploitation, organised democratically for the common good. There may be still room for improving the present social system, but it is of minor consequence compared to the world’s crying need for industrial and social reorganisation. The next great change in the evolution of society must be the socialisation of the means of our common life. Privately owned production for individual profit are no longer compatible with social progress and have ceased to work out to humane ends. With all its marvellous progress in technology and invention, the monumental achievements of science, this world of ours has not yet learned how to feed itself. There is no longer the least excuse for a hungry person. All the materials and resources are at hand and easily available for the production of all things needed to provide nourishing food, good health and decent homes for every man, woman and child, thus putting an end to the poverty and misery. But these tools and materials and forces must be released from private ownership and control, socialised, democratised, and set in operation for the common good of all instead of the private profit of the few. A privately owned world can never be a free world and a society based upon warring classes cannot stand. Such a world is a world of strife and hate and such a society can exist only by means of coercion and force. The education of the people is the task of the people to be performed only by themselves. All history attests the fact that all the few have ever done for the many is to keep them in ignorance and servitude.

The Socialist Party visualises socialism as a higher stage of human society, economically, socially and intellectually, where all science and the arts is to be utilised, not for the few, but for the benefit of mankind as a whole. Based on the common ownership of the means of production and distribution, a new and better economic system is to be built, ending all social oppression creating a community of free and equal producers striving not for sectional interests, but for the common welfare. This socialist commonwealth, liberates the individual from all economic, political and social oppression, would provide the basis, for real liberty and for the full and harmonious development of the person, giving full scope for the growth of the creative personality.

If mankind equally possessed and enjoyed in common...the goods, wealth, and conveniences of life and if they wisely managed the goods of the land and the fruits of their labour and industry, they would all have sufficient place to live happy and content, for the earth almost always produces sufficient and even abundantly enough to nourish them and sustain them, if they would always make good use of these goods, and it’s quite rare that the earth fails to produce the necessities of life; and thus all would have enough to live peacefully. No one would lack what is necessary, no one would suffer in order to have what they need to feed or house themselves; for all would find all of this surely, abundantly, easily and comfortably in a well-run community; and thus no one would have any interest in resorting to fraud or falsehood.

No one would have any interest in envying neighbours, nor to be envious of each other, because all will be more or less in a state of equality. No one would have any interest in stealing what others might have, no one would have any interest in killing anyone in order to acquire their possessions, for this would be of no good. No one would have any interest in working themselves to death with fatigue, as is now done by countless numbers of poor people, who barely have what they need to live as well as to meet the expenses that are rigorously demanded of them because each would assist the other in sharing the sweat and toil of labour, and no one would remain uselessly idle while others occupy themselves usefully at labour. The rich steal the better part of the fruits of your hard labours, and leave them nothing but the dregs, fearing penury or poverty. There is no happiness anywhere. Surely we ought to make a stand. What is your life or my life worth, unless it has been exercised in doing something to add to the sum of happiness of the human family? 

Co-operation instead of competition is one of the aim of the Socialist Party. It is nonsense to say that if you remove competition individuals will not excel. How many geniuses who have given us great things thought of profit when they were inventing them? Was it not the thought of the having accomplished something so wondrous for many of them? They did not think of themselves, nor of profit.

Our present system has been a pronounced failure. Political parties have failed. There must be unity and co-operation if we are to rise and take upon ourselves the responsibility of proving that we can under the favorable conditions we have around us find the solution to capitalism’s problem. We can do it. We can if we set our minds upon it.

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