

Monday, December 07, 2020

Socialists Have No Time For Lesser Evils.

A large world-wide sigh of relief went up when Joe Biden was elected President. In his victory speech he spoke of healing the soul of the nation, of getting the pandemic under control, of justice for minorities, of rebuilding the economy, of bringing Americans together, of fighting global warming and getting America greater respect in the world. He mentioned that Senator Harris was the first female, first black and first person of Asian descent to be elected VP. 

But what has REALLY happened? 

A man who knows how to behave in public will administrate the affairs of capitalism instead of a total jackass. Many on the left will say Biden is the lesser of two evils. Socialists have no time for lesser evils because capitalism being run by anyone is one enormous evil. 

Biden and Harris may be well meaning, but have to work within the parameters of capitalism which causes war, poverty, hunger, unemployment and global warming, to name a few of its effects. Many will see Harris's election as a step forward in the fight for equality. If it is it only means equality within capitalism which is self-defeating because there is no equality within it. Whites don't have equality with each other; blacks don't have equality with each other, let alone equality between white and black. How can they when the world’s wealth and the tools of production are owned by a small minority?

 There is only one equality worth fighting for and that is one where all will stand equal to the world’s wealth and the tools of production. In the days ahead you will see Biden and Harris grapple with the problems capitalism throws up and fail to overcome them. Biden did say one significant thing; that to him America meant possibility. 

Socialists agree but on a wider, hence world-wide scale. The possibility is there that the world’s working class can organize and overthrow the system that Biden and Harris uphold.

S.P.C. Members.

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