

Monday, December 14, 2020

Solve This Problem Within Capitalism? Some Joke!

An article in the Toronto Star of Nov.21 focused on how criminal elements, (the illegal as opposed to the legal ones), have been able to profit from the effects of the pandemic. To quote, ''Crime tends to be a first mover, sussing out new opportunities when a crisis like COVID-19 arises.''

 The mob in Canada haven't been slow in this respect, whether it be drugs, loan sharking, fraud and human trafficking. Sexual exploitation, including webcam sex trafficking, has shot up during the pandemic, feeding off poverty, isolation and desperation. Though it’s harder to cross borders now, nevertheless most human trafficking in Canada is domestic. 

Lock-down measures have contributed to a surge in online child exploitation in Canada through webcams. 

The Star's ''experts'' leave us with this pearl of wisdom: ''Much more robust efforts need to be taken to prevent this criminal conduct which can cause long term trauma for the victims'' – meaning, we can solve this problem within capitalism - What a joke!

S.P.C. Members.

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