

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

The Socialist Party's Resolution for 2021

The Socialist Party aim is socialism where all oppression and exploitation of men and women, where all class-differences  vanish.  

Our party strives with peaceful means for the interests of the working people. Our campaign is a campaign of education for socialism. We must show why every other party is wrong and cannot solve the problems of the working class. We must distinguish ourselves from those parties that claim to represent the interests of the working class as well as those parties that are openly against the idea of socialism. 

Our party is a party of revolution. All our work must lead towards revolution. The revolutionary principles to which we are committed put upon us responsibilities and duties which cannot be shifted or evaded if we are to live up to our conception of a socialist party.  We have to stand up for the true interests of the working class as a whole. Our party is a party of revolutionary struggle against capitalism and all its works. We are not left-wing progressives, but revolutionists. 

We were determined that a definite working class outlook should permeate every aspect of the class struggle. We openly admitted that all education is of necessity biased, especially that which deals with social, economic, and political problems. Ours is biased in favour of our fellow-workers. We make no pretensions to that hypocritical impartiality which more often than not conceals a fear to express a firm opinion and a strong view.

Capitalism, a system of class exploitation and production for profit.  Only those who have a program for ending the class war in the name of the working people, for constructing a new world order – only they can guarantee peace and prosperity.  Until the community as a whole has been weaned from the ideas that are crystallised into the institutional behaviour that supports the private ownership of the means of production and the incentive to private profit, not merely the working-class will continue to be where it now is but society at large will be in danger of dissolution. Socialism is possible but not inevitable. 

The Socialist Party scorns to hide its aims. Under capitalist society it exists to fight against the exploitation of those who toil by hand and brain, and to lead the struggle to improve the working and living conditions of the toiling masses, to strengthen the working-class organisation and political understanding of the need of ending capitalism and establishing socialism. We have no consciousness of impotence, no consciousness of smallness, for we belong to the single greatest political force in the world, the working class. We represent the future. We represent the conception of socialism of the future. We stand for the end of impoverishment and seek to win the earth from the fear of hunger. We seek a world in which the exploitation of man by man shall cease, when the evolution of human society to new and higher forms shall become possible to all mankind, when socialism and peace shall be enjoyed by all.

Capitalism produces misery. It is the capitalist system which produces the disasters. We hate its exploiters, its parasites

 Our tasks are of global significance. That is why we are counting on world collaboration. We began our work with modest means and forces but with an unshakable faith in the future. We are never more optimistic, never more certain, never more determined to achieve the goal of socialism than we are on this day as the year 2020 draws to an end.

Against all obstacles and in spite of all difficulties, we shall carry on our work into the new year.

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