

Sunday, January 24, 2021

A Hilarious Moment.

Dragons Den is a Canadian TV program in which would be capitalists ask a panel of billionaires for investment and sometimes partnership in their companies. 

On Dec. 17 there was a hilarious moment on the program and what-the-hell, we could all use a good laugh.

 Billionaire, Arlene Dickinson, agreed to invest in a petitioners line of baby clothes and said, ''That's capitalism with a heart.'' 

So we've had two devastating world wars, the Holocaust, the Atom Bomb, pollution of land, sea, air and rivers, global warming, nearly 60 genocide's since WW2 and racism, to name a few of capitalism's lovely effects. 

That's what I like about capitalism - It's all heart.

S.P.C. Members.

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