

Thursday, January 28, 2021

Change the World

 Our aim, one and all, is to obtain for the whole community complete ownership and control of the means of transport, the means of manufacture, the mines, and the land. Thus we look to put an end for ever to the wage-system and to sweep away all distinctions of class. In our quest to create a better and safer world we should know what to adopt, and, similarly, we should know what to rejectThe Socialist Party look for our success to the increasing communication of our views among all working people, and next to the capture of the State-machine. It must be apparent to every thinking worker that there is at present  struggle waged by the capitalist classes to secure a greater share in the exploitation of labour. To confuse workers  false issues of the capitalist class are put forward to mislead the workers, frequently by those posing as friends of labour. The principal function of the World Socialist Movement is to participate in the class struggle in such a way that the workers are educated to understand that their industrial might must back up a political fight, to gain the political supremacy so to substitute the capitalist system with uncompromising world socialism. 

Exploited, oppressed and scorned, the boss class cripple you and humiliate you. They rob you of your feelings. They demand that you surrender your interests, your aims, your ideals and accept servile subjugation. You work all through the year and, with the sweat of your brow, produce everything in the world. You build houses and yet, do you not live in a filthy, shabby, slum. You have produced and prepared all thefine cuisine. And yet are you not yourself eating processed fast food that barely gives you enough nourishment? You have made everything in the world. You have built all that is the very pride of the human civilisation today, and yet you have never shared in them other than through the distance of television and movies.

 The ruling class threaten the entire future of civilisation. Our struggle is the struggle for freedom. you must stand up for your own cause, for the aim of socialism, for the emancipation of the enslaved working people, by means of the irreconcilable class struggle. Class against class is the order of the day. Oppose the capitalist world of exploitation and its wholesale slaughter the innocents and support a world of peace and fraternity between peoples. The World Socialist Movement extend to our fellow-workers across the world our greetings as our brothers and sisters. We cannot sit back and patiently wait for capitalist civilisation to collapse. If we are to survive we must be free from capitalist domination. If the capitalist class continues to dominate we will suffer more bitterly.

The World Socialist Movement is organised to abolish through the ballot box, the capitalist system with its accompanying despotism and oppression, and to establish in its place, world socialism — an industrial democracy where all the land and the means of production shall be the common property of the whole people, to be collectively operated by the whole people for the production of commodities for use and not for profit. Organise with us to end the domination of private property — with its poverty-breeding system of unplanned production — and substitute in its place the socialist co-operative commonwealth in which everyone shall have the full benefit of all the modern technology.

Workers of all countries, we call on you to carry out the work of socialist liberation. Rally to the call for our total emancipation. In answer to the capitalist class let our battle cry be:

"Workers of the World, Unite! You have nothing to lose but your chains; you have a world to gain."


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