

Friday, January 15, 2021

Fiblio Bacteria Can Kill You In 48 Hours.


Detour's program, ''Mysteries Of The Deep,'' recently focused on two matters that should be of concern for those interested in the future of capitalism and for those who want to abolish it. Since the oceans have gotten warmer an invasive bacteria is thriving in them and killing people who bath off the coast, in as quickly as 48 hours.

 It's called Fiblio Bacteria and is spreading rapidly because cargo ships take on water as ballast and release it when they reach port. 

The other delightful little goodie is the manufacture of Narco Submarines, in the isolated areas of Colombia. A U.S. Coast Guard vessel caught one off the coast of Ecuador, which contained $242 million worth of cocaine destined for the U.S.

One thing you can be damn sure of - capitalism will never stop throwing up stinky problems for us to grapple with until we stop it.

S.P.C. Members.             

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