

Sunday, January 31, 2021

Our War Is The Class War


The  aim of the Socialist Party is to replace world capitalist economy by a world socialism. It alone can abolish the contradictions of the capitalist system which threaten to degrade and destroy the humanity. A socialist system will abolish the class division of society, it will abolish all forms of exploitation and oppression of man by man. Society will no longer consist of antagonistic classes in conflict with each other, but will present a united cooperative commonwealth. Mankind will take its fate into its own hands. Instead of destroying lives  in struggles between classes and nations, mankind will devote all its energy to  the development and  progress of its own collective potential.

Having abolished private ownership of the means of production and converting these means into social property, world socialism will replace the  blind processes of competitive production, by consciously organising and planning production for the purpose of satisfying  social needs. With the abolition of competition and anarchy in production, devastating economic crises  will disappear. Instead of colossal waste of productive forces for warfare - there will be a the use of  resources for peaceful means.

The abolition of private property and the disappearance of class division will end the exploitation of man by man. Work will cease to be a toiling drudgery for the benefit of the employing class and instead a means of nurturing peoples wishes and desires. Want and inequality, misery and a wretched standard of life will disappear. The hierarchy of the work-place will be removed together. At the same time, the organ of class domination, the State, will cease also as classes die out, and  all its measures of coercion expires.

Private property of  the means of production, the  lust for profits, the artificial poverty - which retards technical progress in capitalist society will have no place in world socialism. The most expedient use of technology and of the and the harmonious relationships with the environment  in the various parts of the world, the closest possible co-operation between science and society, becomes the driving force of the whole system.

A new culture of a united humanity, the disappearance all national borders, will bury forever all racial prejudice, and religious bigotry.

 One of the strange things about criticisms of socialism is that they should feel it necessary to impute “perfection” to human beings in order for socialism to work. We need to be a society of saints and have the personalities of angels. Behind this is the unquestioned assumption that human beings need to be 100% altruistic in order for socialism to work. That is to say, it should entail the complete negation of any kind of self-interested motive.

Its complete nonsense. Every conceivable kind of society is predicated on a mixture of both altruistic and egoistic motives – including both capitalism and socialism,

Socialism does not require people to be “perfect”. On the contrary, it is very much in the self-interest of workers as a class and individually to establish socialism. If anything is indicative of excessive altruism it is the willingness of said workers to allow themselves to be exploited and abused by a tiny parasite class under our present system of capitalism. For well over 95% of our time on this planet our species lived under a social arrangement completely at variance with the kind of society we live under today: “immediate return”, food sharing, communistic, hunter-gatherer bands (not to be confused with “tribes”). If anything defines human nature it is our Paleolithic and Mesolithic past – since our genetic make up has not changed significantly since then – not the kind of society we live under today. However, having said that, the only thing one can confidently say about human nature is that we are:

1) social animals and

2) highly adaptable.

Anything else tends to veer towards speculation

As for greed and jealousy bringing about the collapse of socialism how exactly is this supposed to work in a society in which goods and services are freely accessible to everyone without any quid pro quo exchange? If you want to gain the respect and esteem of your fellows in a socialist society the only course of action available to you is what you contribute to society, not what you take out of it. That’s no bad thing either.

The problem with so many critics of socialism is that they don’t really understand what it is they purport to be criticising.


 Robert Burns, put the idea of socialism in memorable verse:

For a' that and a' that

It's coming yet for a' that.

That man to man the world owr

Shall brithers be for a' that.

This brotherhood of mankind is to be achieved, not by emphasising minor cultural differences but by eliminating major obstacles, such as class divisions, and national oppression or State subjugation which is preventing human progress towards the unity of mankind in a brotherhood of peoples.

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