

Monday, January 04, 2021

The world is ours to share

 The Socialist Party says the choices facing our fellow-workers are world socialism or a final catastropheWe believe that world barbarism will prevail unless a socialist reorganisation of society takes place. Many would say much of the world has already been turned into barbarism. There can be no world peace without a socialist reorganisation of society.  The Socialist Party has no other goal than the realisation of socialism. Political power is for us socialists only a means. The end for which we must use this power is the fundamental transformation of the entire economic relations. Currently all wealth belongs to a private capitalists. All social wealth, the land with all its natural resources beneath and on the surface, and all factories and works must be taken out of the hands of the exploiters and taken into common property of the people. Only then does the real task begin: the reconstruction of the economy on a completely new basis.

 At the moment production in every enterprise is conducted by individual capitalists on their own initiative. What – and in which way – is to be produced, where, when and how the produced goods are to be sold is determined by the industrialist. The workers do not see to all this, they are just living machines who have to carry out their work.

In socialism this will be completely different The employing class will disappear. Then no longer production aims towards the enrichment of one individual, but of delivering to the public at large the means of satisfying all its needs. Accordingly the factories, works and the agricultural enterprises must be reorganised according to a new way of looking at things:

If production is to have the aim of securing for everyone a dignified life, plentiful food and providing other cultural means of existence, then the productivity of labour must be a great deal higher than it is now. The land must yield a far greater yields, the most advanced technology must be used in the factories etc.

If we establish a way where everybody works for everyone, for the public good and benefit, then work itself must be organised quite differently. Nowadays work in industry, in agriculture and in the office is mostly a torment and a burden for the workers. One only goes to work because one has to, because one would not otherwise get the means to live. In a socialist society, where everyone works together for their own well being, the health of the workforce and its enthusiasm for work must be given the greatest consideration at work. Short working hours that do not exceed the normal capability, healthy work-places, all methods of recuperation and a variety of work must be introduced in order that everyone enjoys doing their part. Currently the capitalist, his works foreman or supervisor stands behind the worker with his whip. Hunger drives the the people to work in the factory or in the office.

In a socialist society the industrialist with his whip ceases to exist. The workers are free and equal human beings who work for their own well-being and benefit. That means by themselves, working on their own initiative, not wasting public wealth, and delivering the most reliable and meticulous work. Every socialist concern needs of course its technical specialists who give the guidance and advice so that everything runs smoothly and the highest efficiency is achieved.

One cannot create socialism with indifferent individualists. A socialist society needs people full of passion and enthusiasm for the well-being, full of solidarity and sympathy for our fellow human beings, full of courage and tenacity in order to attempt the most difficult. We do not need, however, to wait perhaps a century or a decade until such a person develop.

Socialism replaces the capitalist system – and immediately proceeds to administer on the basis of human requirements, ending the exploiting capitalists and their yearning for profits.

If you examine the problems facing the working people today, you find, first, that they are not new, but only a new variation of old difficulties and second, you discover that they would disappear if the capitalists were out of the way.

If a person is suffering from a fatal disease and the only chance of survival is a life-saving operation submitting to this operation is intelligent and rational. Surely, we must see that society is suffering from the cancer of capitalism and understand  that palliatives cannot cure. We need to cut out the cancer or resign ourselves to the progressively worsening of the condition.  We face a capitalist system exhibiting the newest symptom of the disease, the tragic collapse of civilisation. The alternative is to submit to the life-saving operation known as social revolution.

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