

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

The world is one family


Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam is a Sanskrit phrase found in Hindu holy books such as the Maha Upanishad, the Rig Veda  and the Bhagavata, which means 'the world is one family'. Although anti-religion, the companion parties in the World Socialist Movement embodies that concept in our adopted slogan ‘One world, One people.’


The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the climate emergency has shown us that there is something very wrong with our system. It has led many people to contemplate another future other than apocalyptic catastrophes and instead hold hope that the threat of pollution and plague might lead to a better world. Both crises has made clear the oneness of the peoples of the world. What we share is much more powerful than what keeps us apart. All people are inescapably interconnected, and the more we can come together to solve our problems, higher our chances that we avoid a possible collapse of civilisation.  


 Capitalism through its creation of a world market has broken down much of the barriers between the nations.  The capitalist method of production draws all the nations of the globe together. But this same capitalism also promotes the strengthening of nationalism  by means of  trade wars that turn into actual armed conflicts to secure more of that world market. Commercial rivalries intensifies national enmities. That is why the ideas of international brotherhood and universal peace cannot take lasting root under capitalist society.

 Whereas the globalisation influence of the corporations is continually frustrated by competing national capitalisms, the internationalism of the working people is strengthened by the mutual solidarity of the interests of all the workers, regardless of their location or nationality. The conditions of the workers are almost identical in its essential features throughout the world. While the interests of the capitalists of different countries unceasingly conflict with one another, the interests of the working class coincide and workers come to realise this in the course of its struggles. For instance, in their attempts to secure higher wages, a reduction of hours, and other workplace protections, our fellow-workers continually meet obstacles, which arise from the competition between the capitalists of various nations. An increase in wages or a reduction of the working day in any particular country is rendered difficult or near impossible by the competition of other countries in which these reforms have not yet been achieved. Such things convince workers of the solidarity of their interests and of the necessity for joining forces in the struggle to improve their condition. 

Emancipation from wage-slavery is unthinkable without a worldwide socialist reconstruction of society. The Socialist Party’s goal is the union of the workers of the whole world in a common struggle for liberationThe Socialist Party is a component of the greatest social movement in human history. It is a world movement, a movement of movements. It is rooted in the blood, sweat and tears of millions who have spent their lives throughout history clamouring for social justice, working for peace, striving for a society that works for everyone. This movement does not appear by magic and we need to consciously commit ourselves to the systemic transformation needed. Humanity can work together to prevail over problems and learn the folly of battling one another. The climate crises and the pandemic demonstrate the mutual dependencies of the world’s peoples and the requirement that the planet’s resources be redirected for the service of health and peaceful life. The overriding goal must be human security, providing food, water, a clean environment and good health for people. Socialists recognise the value of collective social relationships. We’re brothers and sisters who must think and act cooperatively like one family. 

Socialists see the potential for transformation to a different  economy.  We must become one world through genuine cooperation and collaboration among all the people of the world, coordinating to protect humanity. We need a mighty movement to transform the political institutions and economic structures. The same dedication and determination which mankind has conducted war through the ages must now be applied to building a peaceful and prosperous planet.


Human beings can only take so much. The living natural world can only take so much. The peoples of the planet are ripe for change. But unless we make the socialist commonwealth our goal  change may not be necessarily progressive. It could just as easily be reactionary and fuelled by religious extremism, xenophobia, racism, and tribalism.


What’s up to us within the socialist movement is to present a positive vision of the future. To point out all the mutual aid networks we see flourishing across the world. Now is the time for the alternative. Society must redirect the resources it’s currently wasting and instead provide for the needs and wants of people.


To survive and prosper, to fulfil our potential, we must reject divisions and that it is possible to build a new system of social justice. From the chaos of the old, we can create a future civilisation in which humanity can live in harmony. In times of crises such as these, people are offering support to one another. This as an opportunity to re-set society for a better future. We can rebuild our society in an egalitarian way, in an environmental friendly way. We can banish the politics of hatred


The Socialist Party proposes an economic democracy, and an end to the profit system. Working people have had enough of being fed the false arguments that human nature, over-population, shortage of resources prevents socialism and that we need leaders and a process of gradual reforms to bring about a socialist society. We have had enough of waiting. It’s possible now. We can bury forever all national chauvinism, racial prejudice, and religious bigotry beginning today.


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