

Tuesday, March 09, 2021

This is the way forward

 The Socialist Party declares itself to be the only genuine socialist organisation in the UK, and acting on that belief, it opposes every other party, and fights them at every election. The Socialist Party state clearly that society is made up of only two classes — that of the workers and that of the bosses. It clearly demands that the land, the instruments of production (machines, factories, etc.), and the products of labour become the common property of the whole people. Socialism properly implies the co-operative control by the workers of the machinery of production; without this co-operative control the public ownership by the State is not socialism – it is only state capitalism. 

The goal of the working class is liberation from exploitation. This goal is not reached and cannot be reached by a new ruling class of government officials substituting the capitalists. State ownership takes all control away from the workers and leaves them at the mercy of unsympathetic civil servants and irresponsible cabinet ministers. As Engels explained, “State ownership of the productive forces is not the solution...neither the conversion into joint-stock companies nor into state property deprives the productive forces of their character as capital...The workers remain wage-earners, proletarians. The capitalist relationship is not abolished.”

State capitalism emphasises the fact of the state, of government, being an economic agency of the ruling class. State and capitalist industry, government and ruling class, become one and indivisible.  State capitalism is not an abandonment of capitalism. It is not socialism by the “instalment plan.” State capitalism is not socialism and never can become socialism.

Socialism is not state ownership or management of industry, but the opposite: Socialism dissolves the state. Industry is not transformed into the state.  Socialism rejects the policy of state ownership, rejects state capitalism as a phase of socialism, and insists upon social democracy through common ownership. We need to understand that complete emancipation of men and women will come only with the abolition of private property.

The “progressive left” are openly committed to the support of capitalism and the rule of the capitalists. They are openly committed to the appeasement policy of the “lesser evil.” 

The Socialist Party, part of the world-wide movement appeals to you to join it in the noble fight for working-class emancipation and socialist freedom. We claim the right to call upon you to enter our Party, for we have never flinched from the struggle against capitalism and never forsaken the principles, of socialism.

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