

Monday, May 10, 2021

Is It Food Insecurity? Or Is it Poverty?

Statistics-Canada recently did a survey on hunger in Canada, or as they put it food insecurity. Their findings are - $200 million in federal aid was given to food banks as part of the Emergency Food Security Fund. 21.1% of food insecure households used food banks. 28.9% of black households are food insecure, the highest rate among any ethnic group. 33.1% food insecurity a
mong female single parent groups.14.6% of Canadians who reported being hungry during the pandemic. 19% of Canadians with children who went hungry during it. 121% higher than average annual health care costs for adults living in severely food insecure households compared to food secure households. 

Why? you may ask don't hungry people go to food banks. My wife worked at one and said they feel humiliated, as well they might. 

The reformists look upon the problem as one of hunger, but it isn't, it’s one of poverty, and there is only one sure way to overcome that 'cos no amount of tinkering around within capitalism will overcome that.

S.P.C. Members.

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