

Sunday, May 23, 2021

The Lottery, A Very Minor Benefit For Very Few People.


Toronto city officials are considering a lottery system that will allow tenants struggling to pay rent to apply for affordable units as early as 2023, boy they just can’t wait. Toronto is aiming to increase its affordable housing supply by 40,000 units by 2030. it now has 8,000 units guaranteed. This is in a city with about half a million tenant households, nearly half of whom are spending more than 30 per cent of their income on rent. When Toronto Community Housing Corp. offered 75 affordable units in 2018, 2773 people applied. There was a bit of a stink when reporters for the Toronto Star revealed that the head of Toronto's real estate agency had offered below market rent apartments exclusively to his own employees. 

The best one can say is the lottery scheme is a very minor benefit for very few people, especially when one considers a bachelor will be $1,211 a month and a one bedroom, $1,431. 

But under capitalism very few people do well anyway.

S.P.C. Members.

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