

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Trying To Solve Their Problems Within Capitalism!

In March Joe Biden delivered his $2 trillion infrastructure plan, which included his aforementioned contention, ''We're going to make sure we buy American.'' United Steelworkers’ international president, Tom Conway, reacted quickly, vowing to protect businesses and workers in Canada from the threat of protectionism in the U.S.

 On April 1, Conway issued a joint statement with his Canadian counterpart Ken Neumann, stating: ''Canada is not the problem facing U.S. manufacturing and workers. Co-operation between Canada and U.S. will build on our long standing and productive trading relationship.''

 Exactly how they will achieve this, they didn't say. 

Obviously, this is a case of workers trying to solve their problems within capitalism, though it is good to see a declaration of working-class solidarity. It would be better still to see such solidarity in an effort to abolish the cause of their problems.

S.P.C. Members.

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