

Monday, July 26, 2021

Limbo (film review)

The national political discourse has been obsessed with immigration and refugees for much of the past decade, with consequences that barely need explaining, yet the issue has been largely absent from the cinema screens. Faced with a determinedly xenophobic government and sections of the media that dehumanise, feature films could be doing much to create understanding.

 A Scottish comedy Limbo tells the story of a Syrian refugee seeking asylum.

"Bet you never thought you’d end up here pal, eh?” says a Scottish islander to Syrian refugee Omar in the new movie Limbo

The place looks idyllic, but if you’re an asylum seeker waiting for your application to be processed like Omar, there’s little to do there except wait. Despite Omar’s plight, and actor Amir El-Masry’s deadpan expression, Limbo is actually a dry comedy that makes us feel immensely for its subjects without patronising, caricaturing or belittling their plight 

Its Scottish writer-director, Ben Sharrock, previously worked in Syrian refugee camps).

Why is British cinema so reluctant to tackle immigration? | Film | The Guardian

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