

Sunday, July 25, 2021

Only One Thing Worth Celebrating.

July 1st  was the 154th birthday of the capitalist state of Canada and never could it be celebrated in so inauspicious circumstances. 

On June 30th 182 more unmarked graves of indigenous children were found in Cranbrook, B.C. Not many native Canadians will be celebrating, surprise, surprise! 

Since the Catholic Church ran the residential schools where this genocide occurred, some churches have been burned down and one can understand how the arsonists feel. As expected, native Canadians demonstrated their anger at the genocide of Indian children.

 The only great thing about it was when they pulled down the statue of that old parasite Queen Victoria in front of the Manitoba legislature. 

Happy Birthday Canada. The only thing worth celebrating will be the day the working class wake up and see capitalism as the great big, useless, mean spirited, impractical, economic piece of junk that it is.

S.P.C. Members.

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