

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Working Class Students Get Stuck with The Bill.

Canadian undergraduate students can expect their tuition fees to be at least $9000 in September. Graduate students in professional faculties will pay more, saddling them with debts for years to come. Unsurprisingly, politicians are in disagreement about it. Doug Ford, cut fees 10% for the 2019-20 year, but abolished a system of grants and told the universities to make up the difference. The federal NDP is advocating loan forgiveness up to $20,000, dependent on family income, plus future negotiations with the provinces to achieve free post-secondary education. Trudeau's comment was a typical politician’s speech, ''The issue for me is not that every family needs free tuition, and knowing that the government has a limited amount of thing that it can spend on before it starts raising taxes in a way that nobody wants, and you have to make choices - is it better to give more support to those who really need it, or give a minimal amount of support to everyone, including the wealthiest who don’t necessarily need it?” The upholders of capitalism can argue all they want, but the bottom line is working-class students still get stuck with the bill, a shit-load of debt, and no guarantee of a job.

S.P.C. Members.

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