

Saturday, February 26, 2022

The World Socialist Movement - The Peace Party of the World


We are human, but where is our humanity? What a barbaric age we still live in. Still, borders are to be fought over. Still, past wrongs to be avenged.

The class war is our war and our only war. We have no interest in championing any wars for ruling class pillage and plunder. In all these wars the workers are slaughtered while their masters get fat on the spoils of conquest. The time has come for the workers to cease fighting the battles of their bosses and to fight their own; to cease being slaughtered like cattle for the profit of the ruling class and to line up in the class struggle regardless of nationality for the overthrow of class rule and for the emancipation of their class and humanity. 

The Socialist Party has a consistent history of opposing all war. Our analysis has withstood the test of time Wars are fought for the interests and advantages of the ruling class. Our opposition to wars is attacked as “support for dictators”, “appeasement”, or “indifference”. How often have we heard that there have always been wars? Homo sapiens are a warring species, that human nature makes peace impossible and that aggression is built into our genes. Without a military plus a huge armaments budget to defend us, some other people will always try to conquer us?  Since capitalism is a predatory social and economic system, predatory personalities such as Putin rise to power. They view the world through a lens of aggression and that wars are inevitable.

The World Socialist Movement and its companion parties stand for peace. We do not take sides in the rivalries of countries, of nationalities, nor of presidents. The Socialist Party simply issues our call for friendship, fraternity and solidarity.

The Socialist Party denounces the aggressive acts of both governments and declares that between the peoples of the two countries there is no cause of quarrels. The interests of the working class are bound up with the maintenance of peace, and it is the working people who suffer most severely from the devastation and horrors of war. When a country is attacked the rich may suffer some financial loss, but they escape the worst horrors of starvation and misery inflicted upon the poor. The rich can get away to their rural retreats. The poor have to stay put in target areas. Anybody, therefore, claiming to speak on behalf of the working class must necessarily be in favour of peace.

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