

Wednesday, March 02, 2022

The future is ours to build or to destroy


Mors tua vita mea is the precept the capitalist operates by - your death is my life.

Many workers of all nationalities realise that the death cult of nationalism is indeed tragic futility so far as working people are concerned, and the spirit of international co-operation and solidarity, though slowly, is surely growing up amongst them. Our aim is to see established a democratic world community without frontiers.


Among the capitalists, there is continual friction arising out of their competition and rivalry each nation trying to oust the other.  When their vested interests are threatened by another state, tanks and troops are rushed to fend off any encroachment on zones of influence. All of which goes to prove there can be no peace, in either a military or economic sense.


It follows then, as the day follows night, that if we would do away with war, we must eliminate the conditions from which it has arisen. In this way alone lies the path to peace. After all, it is not in the power of statesmen to end wars as they belong to the class to whom war is necessary and inevitable. Fellow workers alone can alter the circumstances that bring such untold misery and ruin to their homes, by organising for the complete overthrow of the wage system. Then only can there be peace throughout the world.

The Socialist Party is opposed to the system of society in which we live today. Any national flag is not our flag. It is the Red Flag of socialism that we march behind singing the workers' anthem, The Internationale. We, socialists, extol the Red Flag as the symbol of kinship and revere it as an augury of worldwide peace, harmony, and brotherhood. We are proud of the Red Flag. Our allegiance to it is open and honest.


No state will exist in a socialist society since all differences between classes will disappear. Socialists consider the state as the organisation of the ruling classes, an instrument of oppression and violence. It is only natural that it cannot then speak of a future state. In this future, there will be no classes, no class oppression, therefore no instrument of this oppression and no state power. A "class-free state" is an oxymoron, a contradiction in terms. Socialism is a Commune without police, without an army, without a bureaucracy’s officialdom.


A money-free, state-free world commonwealth is the only framework within which current social problems can be permanently solved since it is only on this basis that production can be oriented towards satisfying human needs. This social revolution can only be carried out when once a majority of working people throughout the world want it, fully understand its implications, and organise democratically and politically to achieve it. No more masters and no more wage-slaves: every person free and equal. No more one against all and all against one, but one for all and all for one. It is the simplest expression of our revolutionary ideal.


Socialism, and only socialism, will create a true world community, a world without national barriers, without international rivalries, without master and slave nations and, hence, a world without war.  Its primary duty will be to conduct the affairs of the world with the aim of eliminating poverty, homelessness, hunger and general instability. Its sole criterion would be the needs of the people. Socialism will guarantee peace, security and freedom and prevent the destruction of humanity. The Socialist Party’s goal is the union of the workers of the whole world in a common struggle for emancipation. Our socialism is anti-nationalist in that we oppose everything which comes under the head of national chauvinism, patriotism, jingoism, and imperialism. Our war is the class war.

Peace between the people! War against the exploiters!

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