

Friday, March 04, 2022

The Reason Why


Keeping up with current affairs has become very largely a question of following the moves in the conflict between the Great Powers. Vladimir Putin, unable to keep his pledges of prosperity for the Russian workers, shatters the superficial harmony of Europe by sending troops into Ukraine, qualifying him for the role of the World’s villain, following Adolf Hitler and Saddam Hussein. The capitalist class set the armed forces in motion only to defend capitalist interests. 


We cannot just decide to end wars. What we can do, though, is decide to establish a society in which war is inconceivable. What is needed is a clear analysis of why humans go to war. It is not because of our genes, our natures or our beliefs. It is because capitalists make themselves richer and more powerful by obtaining more exploitable populations and raw materials. And until capitalism is abolished, its ruthless, competitive drive for profits will condemn workers to die needlessly in wars.  Although governments can ignore "public opinion" over going to war, hoping to win people over once it's started, they'd like to have this support from the start. One way to achieve this is to glorify the armed forces and present them as heroes doing their duty to defend the rest of us. But it is equally logical for socialists to reject and combat such militarist propaganda because we don't want workers to kill workers from other countries in pursuit of capitalist interests. We want the members of the armed forces to be seen for what they really are: mercenaries for the ruling, the capitalist class. We can conceive of any situation in which we would give our support to either side in capitalism’s armed struggles. We decline to single out one or two aspects of war – particular atrocities or types of weapons  – we oppose the system that gives rise to these things.


Where diplomacy fails there remains the threat of force of arms to get what is wanted. From time to time this clash of interests breaks out in open warfare. It will not be questioned by any socialist that it is his or her duty to oppose the wars of the ruling class of one nation with the ruling class of another, and refuse to participate in them. An anti-war campaign, as such, is, from the working class standpoint, absurd. Just as the class struggle cannot be abolished save by abolishing classes, so it is impossible for capitalist nations to get rid of the grim spectre of war, for capitalism presupposes economic conflicts which must finally be fought out with the aid of the armed forces of the State. The only solution to war and the myriad other problems that face the workers of the world is to abolish capitalism and replace it with socialism.

The only way to help yourself in the matter is to do all you can to help bring in a system of society where "international” conflicts are totally unnecessary, where YOU can live a life of peace is the SOCIALIST system; nothing short

 Why do humans continually wage war on each other, despite the constant efforts of diplomats and the development of ever more frightening weapons capable of killing millions? Actually, the cause of war is never found in the people that actually fight them. Throughout human history, wars have been fought and paid for by the poor, who ironically are the ones who always come out the loser of every conflict, no matter who claims victory. It isn't even correct to blame the people who start the wars, the ruling or owning class, because even they answer to a higher authority which goads them to hurl bodies and bullets at their so-called enemies. If you really want to understand why wars are fought, simply look at what is actually being fought over - the answer invariably ends up some form of property. Wars can be stopped forever by simply removing the reasons for their existence.

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