

Sunday, July 24, 2022

Capitalism and Democracy


"...the democratic cultures based on equality, liberty, justice, reason, science, secularism, tolerance and mutual respect for dissenting and diverse opinions are declining across the globe.

...The capitalist assault on democratic governance is creating conditions of political, economic, social and cultural crises, and giving rise to reactionary forces. 

...The democratic governments are not representing their citizens interests but standing behind the crony capitalist corporates. 

...Such a trend helps capitalism as a system to survive and to expand their control over every spheres of lives 

... In search of profit, capitalism creates conflicts to control human and natural resources with the help of a securitised police state.

...The millionaires and billionaires are funding political parties to participate in the democratic electoral processes to access state power and legitimise their profit seeking illegitimate systemic drive to control all resources. 

...The corporate led consulting firms are managing public relations and manipulating public opinions with the help of false propaganda.

...The corporate led consulting firms are managing public relations and manipulating public opinions with the help of false propaganda.

...The working of democracy depends on deepening the struggles against capitalism. The local, regional, national and global solidarity of all struggles against capitalism is central to uphold democratic values in defence of people and the planet.

...Democracy is a product of mass struggles against all forms of inequalities and exploitations. It is time for the masses to struggle and reclaim democracy from the claws of capitalism..."

Bhabani Shankar Nayak,

University of Glasgow,

Taken from here

Capitalism And Unmaking Of Democracy| Countercurrents

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