

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Capitalism, a systems failure 


A plethora of articles have advised that the solution to the crises of capitalism is reforms, regulations and legislation. However, one way or the other, under capitalism, workers are going to pay the price  so as not to cut into the bosses’ profits. The capitalist mode of production is based upon the need for a constantly increasing accumulation of  profits by any means necessary. To the bosses profit comes before human life—before progress, before the fulfillment of human needs and wants, and before the well-being of our planet. Capitalism is an irrational system designed to increase the rate of profits for the wealthy by any means necessary—including robbing us of our basic human rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

The capitalist class is a tiny  minority of humanity and the working class makes up the vast majority. Included in this mass are workers, farmers, and our allies whose interests are in line with ours—and any capitalist who is willing to cross the class line and stand on the side of the majority of humanity, for a system based upon production for universal human need and want, and not profit.  Therinterest of the capitalist class is to secure their own happiness through profit, at the expense of the rest of us—even at the expense of the planet itself. Capitalism is a world built upon the enslavement of the working class for the benefit of the capitalist class.The fact is, capitalism is totally chaotic and wasteful, both in human terms and the environment. Nothing is planned rationally according to what people and the planet need to thrive. Its only plan is to increase the rate of profit for the rich. All social needs under capitalism are an impediment to that goal. It is the system that must go. 

Production for need and want instead of profits is in the best collective interests of all. Socialism is a system that is owned and controlled by the working class and run in our own collective interests. Its ultimate goal is the development of each individual to his or her fullest. It is a system that can run society in the most efficient manner. Eventually there is a withering away of any connection between a person’s contributions to society, i.e., his or her work, and the reward for work performed. That’s what Marx meant by the phrase, “from each according to ability and to each according to need.” In this simple phrase, the connection between human labor and material reward is severed forever. It is a profound emancipation of all humanity! What we workers need to realize is that this world is at our fingertips if we just reach for it in unity and solidarity with each other. If we fight for our collective common interests and goals, through unified, democratic and well-organised opposition to the despotic system of capitalism, its wars, its pollution, its racism and inequality—we can overthrow it and finally bring an end to the domination of the wealthy over the poor.

The capitalists promote  racial, religious, ethnic, gender differences to  divides us and to keep us fighting amongst ourselves,  blind ing us all to our  common needs and interests. This is how they preserve their power and control over the profits we working people create with our labour. A real democracy is when working people get to decide the issues that affect our lives.  the so-called “democratic electoral process” have become the epitome of lesser-evil politics and the opposite of democracy. The capitalist class and their money dictate our electoral choices—insuring that we have no say in the decision-making that will actually control our lives. Under capitalism, workers are only entitled to what we can pay for. Our earnings are dictated only by how hard we fight for them. Nothing is given to us that we haven’t had to fight for.

An socialist party can never align itself with the parties of the capitalist class. That is an oxymoron. We need to form a mass working class party that has the power to challenge the rule of the “one percent” across the globe. We need a party that is based on solidarity and unity among workers in our fight for economic and social equality and justice—a party powerful enough to overthrow capitalism, and actually establish socialism—a party that understands that an injury to one is an injury to all. It is up to us to turn all this around because it is in the interests of the vast majority of humanity.

Socialism is a real democratic alternative. Only through the overthrow of capitalism and the establishment of socialism can we finally achieve democracy, true freedom, economic and social equality, and justice for all.

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