

Monday, November 14, 2022

Humanity is suffering

 At a time when nations, led by madmen, charlatans and hypocrites, are suffering the blows of greedy profiteers, the Socialist Party is once again making a sincere appeal to all reasonable and practical individuals to try to avoid total destructionof civilisation and to to turn their efforts toward a rational and humane form of social organisation.

By social revolution we mean the abolition of money. By social revolution we also mean the the free availability of the means of production for all. By social revolution we mean power in the hands of everyone through worldwide cooperative associations, ensuring an equitable distribution in the interest of all. In order to best accomplish this task, we are looking for more people to join us in the Socialist Party.

We are at a crossroads of overlapping crises. Humanity is at risk because of the senseless profit-seeking mentality capitalism imposes on us. Capitalism is no longer capable of organising the production and distribution of goods that people need. Its logic of profit and capital accumulation prevents a more just and egalitarian society. The capitalist system is being increasingly shown to be  environmentally unsustainable. Responsible for much of the environmental crisis are large transnational corporations, which do not respect borders, states, governments, or the rights of peoples. Governments  provide protection for the corporations.  The  media serve their corporate masters’  interests.

We live in a world where happiness is fleeting and everything and everybody is disposable. People say the economic and social system is broken, but it isn’t. The system is rigged. It generates increasing wealth for the already rich and powerful at the expense of the majority of the people on this Earth. Billionaires and corporations measure success by their bank balance, or by share prices. Where we see climate breakdown, poverty and injustice — they see nothing but profit. It is the relentless pursuit of profit for the few which is causing the misery of the many, and pushing the planet to the point of no return. Exploitation is the central feature of capitalism.  The only path of escape is for the workers of the world to unite in opposing capitalism and recognise their fundamental unity as a class and wage war on, not with, their exploiters.

Nationalism is used to inspire populations to sacrifice in the interests of their local capitalist rulers. The history of competing interests between various governments, the huge manipulations of events and policies and the disregard for the well-being of ordinary citizens is lost in propaganda and patriotic posturing. Capitalism kills, and war is the most extreme example. Capitalists send working class men and women into battle against one another. Capitalists are willing to spill our blood whether in Ukraine, Yemen, Syria, or in many other conflicts

 Capitalism is driving war, climate disaster, disease, poverty and hunger, racism and sexism. Why can’t abundance be shared among all workers equitably? Capitalism, run by the dominant class for their own profit, simply can’t allow it because such a system undermines profits. Why should workers tolerate such chaos? We need to put an end to capitalism, and together we can. Demonstrating in protest marches is not enough. We must create a worker-run society. We must build a whole new model of society, one we run in our interests - a society that maximises the well-being and talents of the people of the world, free of profit, racism, nationalism and sexism.

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