

Tuesday, November 08, 2022

Ours is an unequal world

That the joyless nature of existence which the working class are forced to lead under capitalism should make them so regardless of murdering one another in capitalist wars, is also to be regretted. Such conduct, however, is explained by the conditions of capitalist society, with its permanent unemployment, its poverty, its monotonous drudgery and insecurity of life. To many workers, war appeared almost as a relief. It could not, they thought, be much worse than the ills they knew.

The part which the capitalist media plays in times of war is too well known. For them no act is too low in vile cunning; no scheme too diabolical and murderous to secure the approval of those whose business it is to line up heroes for their death. We in the Socialist Party do not support mad, murderous slaughter. We do not ask that the world should be made a graveyard to satisfy the money lusts of the owning class that the media champions. Instead, we appeal to you to catch the inspiration of our message. At present men and women are hardened and embittered by the needless competition for employment which is an essential feature of capitalism. They are, moreover, when capitalist interests demand it, perfect in the arts of mass murder. In contrast with the preaching of the media consistent only in the respect that it always serves capitalism, we offer the message that you should organise with us for socialism, a system of society in which production would be carried on co-operatively in the interests of the whole of society, not for the profit of a few, as it is today.

International, national or local politics, of which these three fronts should the revolutionary party of the workers concentrate their efforts? This question is a common one at Socialist Party meetings.

Our reply is, that conditions must always determine policy. The Socialist Party can go no faster than the desires and understanding of the workers. Our mission is to extend that understanding along all three fronts. But which should be given preference? comes the follow-up question. The answer is that our activities will be guided by the resources at our disposal. At present these resources are small. There are hardly any places, for example, where the Socialist Party is in sufficient numbers to make possible at present the election of socialists at local council elections.

Certainly, if it were now the case that any district or locality displayed a sufficient desire for socialism and candidates were elected, our propaganda would be broadcasted from a louder sounding-board.

This in itself is of considerable value in making more widely known the general principles of socialism. It is to propaganda on a wide and scattered front—here and abroad, wherever our word penetrates, that our energies are devoted.

Unlike the left-wing we do not think that the workers will rally to our side merely because we call upon them to do so. If in the future history of socialist politics one geographical area becomes stronger than another in its desire for socialism, Socialist policy would depend upon the forces of the Socialist Party in other countries.

The revolutionary workers’ party will not try to go faster than its abilities to travel —those abilities are dependent on an understanding of our class and their organisation.

Our policy will be, as in the past, to continue to proclaim the principles of socialism. Our ability to do this is determined by the support we receive from those who want socialism.

Should these lines meet the eye of any of those many friends that we are continually meeting, who tell us, “I have been a socialist for — years,” whilst still remaining outside the ranks of the Socialist Party—may we once again ask them to consider the desirability of enjoying the unique pleasure—in these days when docile placidity appears to reign supreme—of exercising the courage of their convictions. Activity in a socialist organisation gives such an opportunity. What resources does a person need to be well? It is the question that any society should be asking itself.

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