

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Restoring Hope

 The Socialist Party always attempts to present our ideas in the clearest way possible.

Under capitalism where production is geared for private profit, society’s resources are squandered in many ways. In a profit system, one class lives by exploiting another. The Socialist Party represents the interests of the working class. It doesn’t seek merely an improvement of the conditions of the workers under capitalism, but the abolition of this system of scarcity and insecurity and its replacement by a society of security and plenty for all, an end the exploitation of man by man for all time; to eliminate wars and hunger.

Why does Big Business resist wage increases on the pretext that these will spur inflation. The explanation is simple. The corporations are aiming to defend their blood-stained profits and add billions more they expect to grab from future production. All the talk about the “danger of inflation is designed to conceal this central fact and thereby deceive the workers and deny their wage demands. It should be understood, first of all, that an increase in wages does not necessarily bring about increased prices. It does mean, however, a direct and immediate reduction in the capitalists’ rate of profit. That is why employers stubbornly resist the wage rises for their workers. That is also why the capitalistsfalsely argue that wage increases bring about inflation.

This exploitative system of  capitalism in direct conflict with the interests of the vast majority of the people throughout the world. The wealth of this society was and is created by working people, yet our human labour is expropriated by individual profiteers and by corporate elites who enrich themselves at the expense of those who make the products and deliver services. Working people are exploited when a portion of their human labour is stolen from them by the capitalists for the sake of profits. The relationship of the capitalist class to the working class is inevitably exploitative. This is the essence of class society. We have no common ground, no basis for alliance, no social peace with the ruling class as long as it exists.

We must bring about the end of the present economic and political system that is imposed upon our lives – the system of  capitalism. This system is inherently based on misery and exploitation. It profits a wealthy few at the expense  of working people.  It is a system  controlled by a small number of extremely rich – a ruling class – who use all  major institutions, including the government, to protect their interests and wealth. In a class society, the dominant economic class makes and enforces the rules. Socialism is not just an ideal. It is a workable system where political and economic power is held and used to benefit not just a handful of people, but all people. 

Working people exist under a system of wage slavery. In order to survive workers have no choice but to sell their labour power at a price determined by the capitalists. As long as capitalists exist on the profits from the sale of this labour power by vast numbers of working people, these working people will have no freedom. The appropriation, by a small minority to be used for personal gain and profit, of the wealth produced by labour power must be stopped and replaced by new relations to production where the workers own and control the means of production, and their labor is for the good of the vast majority. The capitalist system can only survive by enslaving and exploiting the vast majority of people. We must change the material basis upon which the exploitation and enslavement of people exists

In order to safeguard the wealth they have robbed from us and insure more profits, it is in the interests of the capitalist class to have a divided working class. A working class that is divided is one that is not capable of defending itself or fighting in its own interests. The capitalists have a vast array of tools of oppression to keep the working class divided. They continually promote discord among us to keep us weak, fighting among ourselves, fighting against our fellow workers around the world. The Socialist Party is an organisation that fights for class unity. We see that only with a united working class can an effectively wage class war  against the capitalists. We are not talking about idle declarations of unity meant only to fill the pages of self-satisfied journals. We are talking about unity of action because we recognise that the working class must learn the lessons of the class struggle through experience.

“Labour cannot emancipate itself in the white skin where in the black it is branded.” Karl Marx 

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